Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Happy Bootstrapper Is Here!

I'm proudly presenting my new blog, The Happy Bootstrapper.

Grow Your SaaS Customer Profitability will be my first 30x500-style product. I'm pretty excited about it, but there's a lot to do before it's out.

I'll be using Happy Bootstrapper to publish nice educational material that runs traffic to the Grow Your SaaS Customer Profitability pitch page. When the book is finally ready, I'll transform the pitch page into a full-fledged sales page.

How will this affect Passive Income Stream Creator?

From now on The Happy Bootstrapper will take priority to this blog. The Happy Bootstrapper is all about finances and profitability of a SaaS & online product business. Stuff that you need when your business is up and running and you have customers.

However, I'm not closing down Passive Income Stream Creator. I'll keep on writing every now and then, just as I have previously. I'll keep my reviews and how-to articles here. They are more suitable for beginner passive income learners and would not fit in the Happy Bootstrapper theme.

I'm probably going to manage the new project separately so you won't be seeing it in the status reports.   I'm not planning to stop being transparent, but there's nothing but costs at the moment. As I want this project to pay back both 30x500 and my new MacBook Air, the costs are running over $4,000 already. I'll publish my stats when there's something on the plus side too!

In the meantime, check out The Happy Bootstrapper!


  1. Hi Jaana,

    I have been reading your blog for a while and I am happy to see your new site is up! I want to set up a business too but I am still stuck at my day have set a great example and it's really encouraging to me :)


    1. Thanks Winnie!

      I wish you and your business all the best!


  2. Nice job Janaa, love the new site idea! Have subscribed to the RSS feed.

  3. Hey Jaana! Congrats on your new blog. I really like the design and logo. Great to see you making progress. Best of luck!

    1. Hey Azmat!

      Thanks and good luck to you too. I hope that at some point you'll tell how your biz has been getting started!

      It was nice to do some design work. I haven't been doing any for some while now.

    2. Hey Jaana! Great to hear from you. Yes your design looks great. Keep it up and keep us posted on your progress.

      I'm still fine tuning my new biz. It seems like everything I think I'm done I find a new issue haha. But no matter what I'm going to launch it in 2 weeks. I think the best thing to do is give myself a hard deadline. Otherwise I'll keep procrastinating with my excuse of perfectionism. So you can keep me accountable if I don't :-)

      I'm looking forward to challenges the new biz brings me. I think the biggest will be marketing so I'm excited to see how much I can learn and implement. Should be fun. I'll keep you posted.

      Have an awesome day!

    3. Hey azmat, thanks for an update.

      Best of luck, have a nice day too!

