Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Passive Income Project Manager Speaks Out

Even though I am on vacation, I still think a lot about my passive income project. Lately, I have been searching for ideas to implement, but somehow I've still felt that I don't that perfect idea yet. And somewhere deep inside I know I'm losing my focus because of that. Project management to the rescue! I want to share you this discussion that I had with my husband last week.

Me: Honey, I need some help with my passive income project.

Husband: What kind of help?

Me: Well, I know you are excellent at organizing things and I recall you telling me how you did your homework superfast as a kid.

Husband: Yes, I did everything during the school day. I rarely took the books at home. Well, not until I was older.

Me: That is just what I mean. When you were ten you were already good at seeing what is important and what is not. I mean, some other kid could not have pulled that off. He would have missed something during the class and not end up being an A-grade student.

Husband: Yes, I am good at that. I would make a superb IT project manager if I wanted to.

Me: Yeah, I know you don't want to be a project manager, but I need you to do just that for me. I need to know what I should concentrate now. I need to know what is important.

Project Manager: Ok, can you tell me your goal again?

Me: You know my goal already, right?

Project Manager: Well, lately you have been talking about a lot of things, like building a SaaS application and expressing your talents more. So what do you really want, right now? Just pick one thing.

Me: I want what I state in my goal, I want to prove myself that I can earn us a living on internet. I want to start by creating something that brings us 1000 euros per month.

Project Manager: Ok, so essentially you want to learn the process of making money on internet?

Me: Yes.

Project Manager: I'd say that right now the most important thing would be to pick one of your ideas and concentrate on that, get started with it already.

Me: But I don't have the perfect idea yet! I feel I should now do my best to find an idea worth implementing.

Project Manager: I disagree. You have plenty of ideas. I've seen your notebook with full page of ideas.

Me: But those are just random ideas. What if I pick an idea that is not unique enough?

Project Manager: While we were driving today, how many bakeries did you see?

Me: A lot! They seem to have them in every corner, just like we have barber shops in Finland.

Project Manager: See? Those ideas are not unique snowflakes either. You just need to provide something that someone needs and then make sure that someone finds your product.

Me: Ok, I agree. Most of the ideas that earn people their living are not so unique. But what if my idea is not good enough, what if people won't buy my product?

Project Manager: Well, you cannot know that beforehand anyway. You have never done this so you don't have any experience on picking ideas that sell. I'd suggest you use the courses to help you with that. Follow them and do the marketing research on the ideas you have already.

Me: What if the most boring idea wins there? I will lose interest on it as time goes by!

Project Manager: Actually, I'd suggest that you won't pick your favorite idea now. It will be easier for you to learn the process if you don't have extra emotional stuff going on. Remember what Amy said, don't be a bitch to your idea.

Me: Ok, you are probably right there.

Project Manager: Just take it easy, don't stress. You are just picking an idea here. If you end up bored or it does not earn good money, you can just stop and pick a new one. There is no risk, no obligations, you'll lose nothing but time. Just start with something little and learn how it is done. Then just rinse and repeat.

Me: Ok, so I will not use time trying to find more ideas. I'll just pick one and start working on it as soon as possible.

Project Manager: Right. You will learn as you go and get better with time. Don't be overly critical now.


  1. I have that problem too! I hope the ebooks course is going well. I'm glad you stuck with it.

  2. It is always nice to see your comment, Pierre :)

    I hope you got some ideas from here how to solve that problem. I certainly did and I am doing keyword research for my ideas now.

    I am superglad myself that I did not abandon the course. I might even start to like Vic, he really knows a lot about the subject.

  3. I'm just wondering if creating a passive income is a stable income? I really wanted to know more about it since a lot of people are getting involve in this.
